Page 16 - Gesamtprogramm_2018
P. 16

Mein ganz besonderer Dank gehört auch in            from 1989 on, the Bochum Piano Summer, a
diesem Jahr all jenen, die unsere Arbeit für        local activity, was transformed into the Ruhr
das Klavier-Festival Ruhr ermöglichen. Allen        Piano Festival. As the cultural flagship of the
voran dem Initiativkreis Ruhr, unserem dies­        Ruhr Circle of Initiatives, the Festival continu-
jährigen Hauptsponsor, der Deutschen Bahn AG,       ally gained in momentum: by the mid-1990s,
unseren 65 Sponsoren und Förderern, sowie           it had become the largest and most significant
unseren Partner-Stiftungen und privaten             piano event of its kind in the world – particu-
Donatoren, unter ihnen unsere Mäzene 2018           larly with the addition in 2006 of our Educa-
Dr. Angelika und Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter H. Vogel.    tion Projects, which enabled us to put social
Ganz besonders möchte ich mich bei den              responsibility into action. In 2010, when the
Mitgliedern unseres neuen Jubilee Circle            Ruhr Region was named European Capital of
bedanken, die unser großes Benefizkonzert           Culture, the Circle of Ruhr Initiatives adopted
zum 30-jährigen Bestehen zum Anlass für             the Capital of Culture concept of ongoing
großherzige Zuwendungen an unsere Stiftung          cultural promotion to take a logical decision:
nehmen. Und natürlich gehört mein herzlicher        to transform the Ruhr Piano Festival into an
Dank unseren Künstlern, insbesondere auch           autonomous, responsible body in the form of a
jenen, die aus freundschaftlicher Verbundenheit     Foundation, thereby providing it with a stable
am 09. März 2018 unentgeltlich in der Histori-      structure designed to last, and capable of ex-
schen Stadthalle Wuppertal auftreten werden.        tending its great success story into the future.

Meine Mitarbeiter und ich, wir alle freuen uns      2018, the “Debussy Year”, offers us a number
auf eine glanzvolle Spielzeit und wünschen          of splendid opportunities to celebrate these
Ihnen, unserem verehrten Publikum, dabei so         anniversaries: for instance, we are thrilled that
viel Freude, wie wir sie bei der Vorbereitung       we have been able to invite the most out-
bereits empfunden haben!                            standing French pianists of our time, including
                                                    Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Hélène Grimaud, and
“Vive la France!” That is the emblem we could       Jean-Yves Thibaudet, to perform at the Festival.
choose for our 2018 jubilee season. 100 years       We will hear a series of marvelous Gallic
after the end of the First World War, and on        works: not only a great number of composi-
the 100th anniversary of the death of Claude        tions by Debussy and Ravel, but also three
Debussy, we will be celebrating Franco-German       of Camille Saint-Saëns’s rather infrequently
friendship with fabulous music and the best         performed piano concertos, along with further
pianists of our time. We are also celebrating       solo piano pieces of his pen. We will also dis-
the 30th anniversary of the decision that gave      cover other French rarities: for instance, works
rise to the Ruhr Piano Festival. It was taken on    by Jean-Philippe Rameau, Charles Widor, Louis
16 July 1988, when Alfred Herrhausen, Adolf         Théodore Gouvy, and Ernest Chausson. Our
Schmidt and 11 other figures of public life were    program focus on France also allows us to
invited by the “Ruhr Bishop”, Cardinal Franz        feature exciting piano duo recitals: with Yaara
Hengsbach, to meet at the Episcopal House in        Tal & Andreas Groethuysen, with the
Essen and to convene about the future of the        GrauSchumacher duo, Anthony & Joseph
Ruhr Region, whose coal and steel industries        Paratore, and Arthur & Lucas Jussen. Further-
were facing a momentous crisis. Together they       more, the Maki Namekawa & Dennis Russell
decided to found the Ruhr Circle of Initiatives.    Davies piano duo will be paying homage to
And that was also the moment when Alfred            the great Leonard Bernstein on the 100th
Herrhausen proposed the idea of organizing a        anniversary of his birth. Of course, apart from
classical music festival that would feature con-    our focus on France, we are looking forward to
certs and recitals across the entire region. Thus,  many other encounters: with Daniel Barenboim
                                                    in three Beethoven piano trios, or with Igor
                                                    Levit in the two Schubert piano trios. Other
                                                    artists returning in chamber music formations
                                                    this year will be Kit Armstrong and Khatia
                                                    Buniatishvili, as well as the violinists Anne-
                                                    Sophie Mutter and Frank Peter Zimmermann

16 Klavier-Festival Ruhr 2018
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