Page 129 - Gesamtprogramm_2018
P. 129

KlavierGarten. In small groups, children from       such as the Association of Friends and Promoters
ages two to six attend workshops that take          of the Ruhr Piano Festival and the Deutsche
place twice a week and introduce them to the        Bank Foundation.
great world of music via the piano. Guided
by specially trained teachers, the children         Are you interested in learning more about
discover the piano’s great variety of timbres,      the Little Piano School and the KlavierGarten?
learn notes by using a color scheme, move           We look forward to hearing from you. Don’t
and dance to music, sing and make music             hesitate to write an e-mail to the following
together in ensembles. Much of this initiative’s    address:
ongoing success stems from close cooperation
between the Ruhr Piano Festival, the Folk-          The Festival’s special engagement in a local
wang Music School, the Folkwang University          neighborhood: Duisburg-Marxloh
of the Arts, the Protestant Church District of
Gladbeck-Bottrop-Dorsten, and Kim Monika            What kind of fruitful long-term effects can cul-
Wright, the founder of the Little Piano School.     tural education achieve in difficult neighbor-
                                                    hoods? What positive tendencies can we set in
Currently, approx. 350 children are able to         motion when selected schools join forces and
attend workshops organized by the Little Piano      work together in Ruhr Piano Festival projects
School and the KlavierGarten. This is possible      over a period of several years? What kind of
because these modules, initiated in 2006 by         synergies can emerge when primary and secon­
Prof. Franz Xaver Ohnesorg, are not only on         dary schoolchildren dance and make music
offer at Folkwang Music School, but also at         with children who have special needs? Do
19 nurseries and kindergartens in the cities        music and dance hold a potential that provides
of Bottrop, Dorsten, Essen, Gladbeck, Marl,         concrete, effective support for children from
and Recklinghausen. All project partners are        newly arrived immigrant families?
strongly committed to providing socially dis­
advantaged children with long-term support.         Marxloh is a borough of the City of Duisburg
For this purpose we have established an equal-      where many children are growing up in difficult
access fund that allows all children to attend the  social and economic circumstances. Here is
KlavierGarten workshops independently of            where the Ruhr Piano Festival is searching for
their parents’ economic status. This is made        answers to these questions in cooperation with
possible by energetic support from institutions     five local schools. Starting with just a few

Tanzpädagogin Petra Jebavy mit Schülern der
Grundschule Sandstraße

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