Page 128 - Gesamtprogramm_2018
P. 128

Präsentation eigener Musikstücke in der Gebläsehalle

          Creative teaching, effective support –  The following pages present our main areas of
          The Ruhr Piano Festival Education        educational activity in 2018. The section “Un-
          Program                                  sere Konzerte” in this booklet provides further
                                                   information on all public events that will take
With its award-winning educational activities,     place during the Piano Festival. And the Ruhr
the Ruhr Piano Festival encourages hundreds        Piano Festival website offers an up-to-date
of children, teenagers and young adults to de-     overview of all activities, offers and events.
velop their creative talent by enabling them to    There you will not only find information about
discover the fascinating universe of piano reper­  current and past projects; you can also gain
toire and classical music. Our activities range    concrete insight into our ongoing educational
from toddlers’ first encounters with music to      activity through a series of videos, texts and
creative school semester projects, concerts in     photos. Come visit us by clicking on
schools, and ongoing training for teachers, as
well as a series of support measures designed
to promote young piano talents. We lay special     The Ruhr Piano Festival’s exemplary educa-
emphasis on joint projects that ensure long-       tional projects have been crowned with several
term growth in our region (such as the Little      important awards and prizes.
Piano School); we provide continual support to
children and teenagers living in difficult social  Music education in early childhood:
circumstances (with our ten-year engagement        the Little Piano School and the KlavierGarten
in the borough of Duisburg-Marxloh), and,
finally, we design innovative formats to intro-    A playful approach to music holds great poten-
duce classical music to new audiences, as on       tial for learning and development: that is the
our Internet platform     main focus of our Little Piano School project
                                                   and its extension to nursery schools, called

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