Page 16 - Gesamtprogramm_2017
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ist ein großes Gemeinschaftswerk. Deshalb gilt        and intensifying our activities. The City of
auch in diesem Jahr mein besonders herzlicher         Wuppertal has a venue that many of our artists
Dank schließlich auch meinen Mitarbeitern,            particularly cherish: the Historic Town Hall.
deren fabelhafter Einsatz es möglich macht,           Thanks to continual, reliable support on the
dass unseren Künstlern und unserem Publikum           part of the Vollmann Group – a medium-sized
und allen, die sich für das Klavier-Festival Ruhr     company from Gevelsberg –, we had already
engagieren, auch 2017 wieder Flügel wachsen           been able to host at least one annual recital
können!                                               there. Now, thanks to the Stadthalle managing
                                                      director’s energetic initiative, we have been
Lassen Sie sich begeistern – wir freuen uns auf       able to obtain welcome support from further
Sie!                                                  sponsors and promoters located in Wuppertal.
                                                      And thus, starting with Daniel Barenboim on
Dear friends of the Ruhr Piano Festival,              15 March 2017, the Ruhr Piano Festival will be
                                                      able to hold four events this year in such an in-
We heartily greet you for our 29th edition! Our       spiring historical atmosphere. We are likewise
programme for 2017 reflects this year’s chosen        thrilled to have been invited by Tony Cragg to
motto, “The Americas”, and we also welcome            hold an event in his Wuppertal Sculpture Park:
increased initiative on the part of two Festival      thanks, once more, to the NATIONAL-BANK,
cities. As always, this major piano event will        we will be able to celebrate a world premiere
devote its efforts to presenting the great            in that glass exposition building’s beautiful
soloists of our time, along with a series of new      ambiance. The second major metropolitan
talents we invite you to discover.                    initiative comes from the City of Bochum.
                                                      Thanks to the ongoing efforts of our friend,
We had already dedicated our annual focus to          conductor Steven Sloane, we can celebrate the
American piano music in the years 2002 and            recent inauguration of a new concert hall with
2012. Now, in 2017, Philip Glass’s 80th birthday      almost miraculous acoustics in the very heart
serves as a welcome occasion to redirect our          of the Ruhr Region, and we have been invited
gaze to the New World, the cultural variety           to make ourselves at home there. I am indeed
and quality of which was unfortunately                certain that piano music fans will soon be
somewhat sidelined in the course of last year’s       thronging to hear recitals and concerts in the
events. Thus, with this year’s American focus,        “Anneliese Brost Musikforum Ruhr”! We thus
I particularly wish to emphasize and recall           look forward to holding a total of five concerts
the humanist values which its artists have            in this new auditorium in 2017, starting with a
always embodied: for example, Philip Glass,           celebration of Gidon Kremer’s 70th birthday
John Adams, Leonard Bernstein and, last not           in tandem with Martha Argerich and the
least, George Gershwin. Those musicians have          Kremerata Baltica: an already sold-out concert
marked my view of the US much more than               that will take place on 9 March 2017.
the events we witnessed over the past months.
I hope and trust that you feel the same. It is        Of course, this year as well, you can count on
also thoroughly worthwhile to direct our gaze         the great variety of venues you have always
to the treasures of South American piano mu-          come to expect from the Festival. Our concerts
sic: we will feature works by composers such          will take place on a total of 36 podiums in
as Alberto Ginastera, Heitor Villa-Lobos and          22 different towns. For instance, after our first
Astor Piazzolla.                                      successful event there in 2016, we are thrilled
                                                      to return to the city of Münster.
Two cities where the Festival was already pres-
ent are now introducing new, exciting initia-         Celebrating over ten years of social commit-
tives for 2017. This is a thrilling way of enriching  ment, our Education Projects have grown ever
                                                      more important. Thus, we plan to go on ex-
                                                      panding them in terms of quantity and creative
                                                      quality. After having received five important
                                                      German and international prizes, the Ruhr
                                                      Piano Festival Education Projects were now

14 Klavier-Festival Ruhr 2017
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