Page 131 - Gesamtprogramm_2017
P. 131

The following pages present our main areas of      because our holistic approach is not only on
educational activity in 2017. The section “Un-     offer at Folkwang Music School, but also at
sere Konzerte” in this booklet provides further    17 nurseries and kindergartens in the cities of
information on all public events that will take    Bottrop, Dorsten, Essen, Gladbeck, Marl and
place during the Piano Festival. And the Ruhr      Recklinghausen. In early 2016 we welcomed
Piano Festival website offers an up-to-date        a newcomer to our project: the International
overview of all activities, offers and events.     School Ruhr, located in Essen.
There you will not only find information about
current and past educational projects; you         All project partners are especially committed
can also gain concrete insight through a series    to offering long-term support for children from
of videos, texts and photos. Come visit us by      socially difficult backgrounds, from families of
clicking on      new immigrants or refugees, or who attend
                                                   special nurseries that tend to physical or
A series of outstanding awards and prizes have     mental challenges. For this purpose we have
crowned the Ruhr Piano Festival’s educational      established an equal-access fund that allows all
activities; most recently, in 2016, their high     children to attend the KlavierGarten workshops
standards were recognized with the conferral       independently of their parents’ economic situ-
of the renowned music award “ECHO Klassik”.        ation. This is made possible thanks to energetic
                                                   support from the Association of Friends and
A musical playground! Little Piano School &        Promoters of the Ruhr Piano Festival and the
KlavierGarten                                      Deutsche Bank Foundation, who also support
                                                   other educational projects organized by the
A playful approach to music, along with the        Ruhr Piano Festival.
resulting potential for learning and self-devel-
opment: that is the main focus of our projects     Are you interested in learning more about
Little Piano School and KlavierGarten. In small    the Little Piano School and the KlavierGarten?
groups, children from ages two to six participate  Would you like to help support our equal-
in workshops two times a week, where they          access fund? We look forward to hearing from
are introduced in an imaginative, original way     you. Don’t hesitate to write an e-mail to the
to the world of music. Guided by specially         following address:
trained teachers, the children discover the
piano’s great variety of timbres, learn notes      Entdeckungen – Discovery Projects
by using a color scheme, move and dance to
music, sing and make music together in             What long-term effects can cultural education
ensembles. The educators encourage them to         achieve in difficult neighborhoods? What posi-
have fun playing together; they also inspire       tive tendencies can we set in motion when
their curiosity and their joy of discovery.        selected schools come together and collaborate
                                                   in Ruhr Piano Festival projects over a period
That which started out as an open experiment       of several years? What kind of synergies can
in 2006 has fledged into an internationally        emerge when primary and secondary school-
acclaimed, award-winning model project,            children dance and make music with children
which has become an integral part of the Ruhr      who have special needs? What potential can
Region’s educational offer. It also owes a great   dance and music offer in order to provide
deal of its ongoing success to close collabo-      concrete, effective support for children from
ration between the Ruhr Piano Festival, the        immigrant families?
Folkwang Music School, the Folkwang Univer-
sity of the Arts, the Protestant Church District   These are some of the interesting questions
of Gladbeck-Bottrop-Dorsten, and Kim Monika        we are addressing in the Ruhr Piano Festival’s
Wright, the founder of the Little Piano School.    interdisciplinary Discovery Projects. Supervised
                                                   by our Education Team in co-operation with
Currently, approx. 300 children are able to        experienced artists and educators, several
attend workshops organized by the Little Piano     hundred children are given the opportunity
School or the KlavierGarten. This is possible      each year to become creatively active in these

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