Page 37 - Gesamtprogramm_2018
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Festival unterstützen möchten – z.?B. als Mit- the Festival’s Main Sponsor for that year, in
glied unseres neuen Jubilee Circle – schreiben order to supplement the funds provided by its
Sie uns unter General Sponsor, the Ruhr Circle of Initiatives.
Vielen Dank. Thankfully Duisport AG and EVONIK Industries
AG followed that example and assumed the
Prof. Dr. Thomas A. Lange role of Festival Main Sponsor for 2016 and 2017
respectively. Deutsche Bahn AG now takes up
Chairman of the Ruhr Piano Festival Advisory Board that generous function for 2018. For only by
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of “Klavier- working together on a continuous basis can we
Festival Ruhr Sponsoring und Service GmbH” ensure that this cultural model project will con-
tinue to serve as a flagship for our region far be-
Continuous commitment is a virtue the yond its borders. If you would also like to start
NATIONAL-BANK holds in particular esteem, supporting our shared venture – a marvelous
particularly in times of upheaval and transfor- annual musical event exclusively supported by
mation. Thus, eight years ago, on the occasion private initiative – we invite you to become a
of its own 90th anniversary, our bank laid one donor member of our new Jubilee Circle. You
of the cornerstones of the new Ruhr Piano can contact us at
Festival Foundation by becoming one of its My heartfelt thanks in advance.
core founders, thereby confirming and extend-
ing our financial commitment from previous
years. For the same reason, the NATIONAL-
BANK took the decision in 2015 to become
Maike Middelmann We hope this has helped awaken your enthusi-
asm for the numerous projects in which we are
President of the Association of Friends and involved. You can find further information on
Promoters of the Ruhr Piano Festival our website
Become a member of our Association! We are
The Association of Friends and Promoters of looking forward to your message:
the Ruhr Piano Festival supports the Festival’s
educational projects. We are particularly
committed to the workshops for young chil-
dren: Little Piano School and KlavierGarten. To
that effect, our members’ contributions have
helped finance the pianos which have been
placed in participating kindergarten schools.
These workshops use an educational method
especially designed for young children, further
developed by the Festival. The method requires
special training. The Association helps finance
the equal-access fund which allows all children
to attend the workshops, regardless of their
social background. Furthermore, the Association
is a shareholder in the “Klavier-Festival
Sponsoring und Service GmbH”.
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