Monday, 02. June 2025
| 20:00 h
Zentrum für Kirche und Kultur
Antonín Dvořák: 8 Humoresques, Op. 101
Leoš Janáček: “On an Overgrown Path”, Book II
Robert Schumann: “Scenes from Childhood”, Op. 15
Johannes Brahms: Sonata in C major, Op. 1
Leoš Janáček’s piano works have become deeply cherished by Zoltán Fejérvári. The Hungarian pianist (born in 1986) discovered them at the same time as the operas of the Moravian master, whose love for the Czech language finds vivid expression not only in his theater music. His cycle “On an Overgrown Path” is one of the most moving documents in music history: it reflects the personal thoughts of a grieving father. In a kind of musical diary, Janáček retraces the overgrown paths he once walked with his daughter Olga, who passed away at a young age.
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Venue address
Emil Schumacher Museum
Museumsplatz 1
58095 HagenZoltán Fejérvári has emerged as one of the most intriguing pianists among the newest generation of Hungarian musicians.
Das Emil Schumacher Museum widmet sich dem Lebenswerk des Künstlers, einem der bedeutendsten Vertreter europäischer expressiver Malerei der Nachkriegszeit. Die Dauerausstellung reicht vom Frühwerk ...
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