Do. 26. June '25 20:00 Uhr
Duisburg Landschaftspark Nord - Gebläsehalle

Tamara Stefanovich &
Pierre-Laurent Aimard

Focus “Messiaen”


€ 35 | 30 (reduced)

Arcadi Volodos auf dem Klavierfestival Ruhr 2020

Maurice Ravel: Sites auriculaires, Entre cloches
George Enescu: “Carillon nocturne” from Suite Nr. 3, Op. 18
Oliver Knussen: Prayer Bell Sketch, Op. 29
Harrison Birtwistle: Keyboard Engine
Olivier Messiaen: Visions de l’Amen

Pierre-Laurent Aimard is regarded worldwide as a master of both contemporary music and the classical music repertoire. “A unique masterpiece in concentration, virtuosity, and musicality,” was the verdict from Deutschlandfunk after his performance at the Klavier-Festival Ruhr 2023, when he presented all 18 études by György Ligeti in a thrilling concert. A similarly grand achievement can be expected in 2025 when Pierre-Laurent Aimard dedicates several evenings to the works of Olivier Messiaen, with whom, like Ligeti, he worked closely.

The central work in his joint concert with Tamara Stefanovich will be Messiaen’s *Visions de l’Amen*, composed during World War II and breathtakingly reflecting the deep faith of the composer. It was premiered by the composer himself and his wife, Yvonne Loriod, with whom Pierre-Laurent Aimard later studied. Works by Ravel, Enescu, Birtwistle, and Knussen will effectively complete the program.

Photo: Marco Borggreve

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Landschaftspark Nord - Gebläsehalle

Emscherstr. 71

47137 Duisburg
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Pierre-Laurent Aimard

“A brilliant musician and an extraordinary visionary”
– Wall Street Journal


Tamara Stefanovich

“Fearless, dazzling, exceptional”
– The Guardian


Landschaftspark Nord – Gebläsehalle

Die Gebläsehalle liegt inmitten des Landschaftsparks Duisburg-Nord, auf dem Areal eines stillgelegten Hüttenwerks. Hier verbinden sich Industriekultur, Natur und ein faszinierendes Lichtspektakel zu...




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