The program will be announced by Sir András Schiff during the concert.
His voice is not loud. He is not a fan of roaring noises or even cacophony. Yet, even when he speaks softly—always the gentleman—his words carry weight. It is much the same when András Schiff sits at the piano. His messages are never delivered casually, but they deserve one’s full concentration.
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Venue address
Stadthalle Mülheim
Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1
45479 Mülheim an der RuhrSir András Schiff was born in Budapest in 1953. He received his first piano lessons at the age of five by Elisabeth Vadász. He later continued his studies at the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest with Prof. Pál Kadosa, György Kurtág and Ferenc Rados and with George Malcolm in London.
Die Stadthalle Mülheim, direkt am Westufer der Ruhr gelegen, zählt zu den bedeutendsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt. Seit 1926 dient das Bauwerk im neo-klassizistischen Stil als zentraler Theater-...
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