Fr. 23. May '25 20:00 Uhr
Gelsenkirchen Heilig Kreuz Kirche

Moritz Fasbender

Piano & Electronics


€ 40 (reduced: 30)

Arcadi Volodos auf dem Klavierfestival Ruhr 2020

Without interval

The Leipzig-based pianist and composer Friederike Bernhardt loves playing with multiple identities, and “Moritz Fasbender” is one of them. “I distribute my preferences and desires across different alter egos,” she explains, “so that each of my forms of expression has its own personality—sometimes just in the form of a name, sometimes as an entire biography.”

“In this way, I both indulge my playful instincts and translate my inability to focus on just one thing. I suffer from ADHD in its final stage (laughs).” She composes for film, theater, and radio plays, while as Moritz Fasbender, she focuses on solo pieces with subtly woven-in electronics. “There, I explore the gap between electroacoustics and ‘playing the piano.’ I don’t just play around with reverb or filters; I try to expand the already vast world of the piano with a concrete, as precise as possible, sound design language.”

In 2022, she released her solo album 13 Rabbits and contributed to compilations, including one curated by scene star Nils Frahm. In the Fragments: Erik Satie series by Deutsche Grammophon, she opens up Satie’s music towards experimental sounds.

Photo: Maximilian König

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Heilig Kreuz Kirche

Bochumer Str. 115

45886 Gelsenkirchen
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Moritz Fasbender

Friederike Bernhardt is a german composer and musician who lives in Leipzig and not longer in New York.



Die Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche in Gelsenkirchen wurde zwischen 1927 und 1929 nach den Plänen des Architekten Josef Franke erbaut. Sie bot Platz für über 1.000 Kirchenbesucher. Fast 100 Jahre war sie das Z...




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