Do. 03. July '25 20:00 Uhr
Essen UNESCO-Welterbe Zollverein – Halle 5

Emmet Cohen Quartet

Jazz Piano


€ 45 | 35 | 25

Arcadi Volodos auf dem Klavierfestival Ruhr 2020

Without interval

Emmet Cohen
Patrick Bartley (Saxophone)

Philip Norris (Bass)
Kyle Poole (Drums)

His latest album title would be a fitting job description for Emmet Cohen: “Vibe Provider” – someone who creates a great atmosphere.

The American pianist does just that by carrying forward the timeless tradition of straight-ahead jazz with infectious enthusiasm. Few can do it like he does—swinging and fiery, alert and bursting with ideas, light and effervescent, all while maintaining the highest level of craftsmanship. And even when Emmet Cohen plays stride piano—an old technique of accompanying oneself with the left hand, mastered by only a few today—it sounds hip, effortless, and incredibly modern. Cohen says his greatest goal as a musician is to inspire people to love jazz who never even knew they liked it. Audience reactions after his concerts prove just how well he succeeds in that.

Photo: Gabriela Gabrielaa

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UNESCO-Welterbe Zollverein – Halle 5

Gelsenkirchener Str. 181

45309 Essen
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Emmet Cohen

Multifaceted American jazz pianist and composer Emmet Cohen is in the vanguard of his generation’s advancement of music and the related arts.


UNESCO World Heritage Zollverein – Hall 5

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