Thursday, 26. June 2025
| 20:00 h
Landschaftspark Nord – Gebläsehalle
Claude Debussy: Cloches à travers les feuilles
Igor Stravinsky: Songs of the Nightingale
Paul Dukas: La plainte, au loin, du faune…
Olivier Messiaen: Les sons impalpables du rêve,
Olivier Messiaen: Cloches d’angoisse et larmes d’adieu,
Olivier Messiaen: Quatre Études de rythme
Iannis Xenakis: Mists
Without interval
The special, the new, the unheard seems to have a magical pull on Jonas Olsson. More consistently than almost anyone else of his generation, the pianist from Gothenburg, Sweden, has incorporated contemporary and post-1945 modern music into his repertoire— a major focus alongside his career as a chamber musician, song accompanist, and head of studies at the Norrlandsoperan in Umeå.
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Venue address
Landschaftspark Nord - Gebläsehalle
Emscherstr. 71
47137 DuisburgThe Swedish pianist Jonas Olsson has established himself as one of the boldest pianists in the Scandinavian contemporary music scene. His repertoire includes a wide selection of works by the most significant composers of the late 20th century.
Die Gebläsehalle liegt inmitten des Landschaftsparks Duisburg-Nord, auf dem Areal eines stillgelegten Hüttenwerks. Hier verbinden sich Industriekultur, Natur und ein faszinierendes Lichtspektakel zu...
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