Do. 22. May '25 18:00 Uhr
Unna Zentrum für Internationale Lichtkunst

Svaneborg Kardyb

Piano & Electronics


€ 45 (reduced: 35)

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A young jazz and electronica duo from Denmark, still waiting to be discovered in this country. At the Danish Music Awards in 2019, however, they were already honored twice, winning in the categories “New Artist of the Year” and “Composer of the Year.” Svaneborg Kardyb consists of Nikolaj Svaneborg on keys (piano, electric piano, synthesizer) and Jonas Kardyb on drums.

Both musicians come from Aalborg, at the northern tip of Jutland. They first met in 2013 and even had the idea of joining forces back then, but it took another six years, during which they pursued other projects, before it finally happened. They acknowledge that their musical backgrounds are quite different: “Nikolaj comes from Scandinavian jazz, while Jonas comes from roots, blues, and folk. Our music is therefore a sum of our individual contributions. We experiment with what sounds and structures our duo can create, and through long sessions, ideas emerge like seeds that eventually grow into pieces.”

Their music features catchy, continuous minimal motifs, melodies that sometimes echo traditional Danish songs and hymns, electronic sound effects and ambient textures, all grounded by compelling grooves. Svaneborg Kardyb is a duo that brings the proverbial “Nordic sound” into the magical atmosphere of the Center for International Light Art in Unna.

Photo: Michell Smedegaard Boysen

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Zentrum für Internationale Lichtkunst

Lindenpl. 1

59423 Unna
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Svaneborg Kardyb

Svaneborg Kardyb are Nikolaj Svaneborg – Wurlitzer, Juno, piano and Jonas Kardyb – drums, percussion a multi award winning duo from Denmark, where they won two “grammys” at the Danish Music Awards Jazz 2019: New artist of the year and Composer of the year.


Zentrum für Internationale Lichtkunst Unna

"Das weltweit erste und einzige Museum, das sich auf die Präsentation von Lichtkunst konzentriert." In dieser Form ist das Zentrum für Internationale Lichtkunst das weltweit erste und einzige Mus...




Friday, 23. May 2025 | 20:00 h
Gelsenkirchen  Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche

Piano & Electronics

€ 40 (reduced: 30)

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